Membership Information & Form
Want to join the Royal Studies Network?

Royal Studies Network membership includes quarterly newsletters (advanced preview of news, events and scholarly information) and access to member exclusive areas of the RSN—membership directory and historiography databases.
If you are interested in joining the Royal Studies Network, then just fill in the form below. Please note this is ONLY for those interested in becoming members. If you have a query, contact the RSN Admin at royalstudiesnetwork@gmail.com.
Membership Form
Please read the privacy policy below before clicking the 'Submit' button.
Privacy Policy: By joining the RSN, you agree to receive emails from us (largely newsletters; 2-5 times a year) and the personal information that you share with us from your membership form will go on our database which is only available to members. This data is shared with fellow RSN members to facilitate collaborative research and academic discussion. To opt out of emails or remove your details from the membership database, all you need to do is send us an email and we will delete your information from the database and take you off our mailing list.