Calls for Papers/Contributions & External Conferences
Here you can find calls for papers for RSN events and sponsored sessions, contributions for RSN projects and other event notices from RSN members.
If you would like to set up an RSN sponsored session at a conference series you attend or if you want to promote an event that you are hosting via our social media channels, newsletter or on our website, get in touch with us by emailing us at royalstudiesnetwork@gmail.com!
Special CFP: Lives of Royal Women Series (Routledge)
The Lives of Royal Women series (encompassing the Queens of England, Queens and Empresses of Europe, and Royal Women of the World strands) aims to produce scholarly, yet accessible biographies for every queen (consort and regnant) which are richly contextualised both in terms of the period in which each queen lived and with regard to the theory and practice of queenship. See the series brochure and CFC for full information and the editors' contact details.
Want to know more about the series? Click on the video for more information from the series editors.
Special CFP: Gender & Power in the Premodern World (ARC Humanities Press)
Gender and Power in the Premodern World aims to showcase cutting-edge research into issues of gender and power across a broad temporal and geographic spectrum. It will fill key lacunae in the field, broadening conversations about gender and power by addressing constructions and performances of masculinity as well as engaging with women’s roles, expanding beyond a European framework of analysis, and breaking down conventional barriers between premodern periods. It will examine not only rulers and elites in positions of political or religious authority but also others who exerted power in economic, cultural, and symbolic forms.